Sunday Funday!

Sunday, November 20, 2011 Warm-up: “Med Ball Medley” 2 Rounds: 400 meter run with med ball 10 med ball cleans 10 med ball v-twist 10 med ball ab-mat sit-ups Rest

In transition

Saturday, November 19, 2011 DROMShoulder Prep as neededPerform 5 to 10 repetitions of each movement Rest as needed For time: Row 500 meters 20 inch Box jump, 50 reps Push-ups,

Do the Right Thing

Friday, November 18, 2011 “Classic CrossFit Warmup”15 Overhead Squats with Bar15 GHD situps15 Hip Extensions15 Strict Pullups15 Pushups30 Second Sampson Stretch each leg Practice your kipping pullups, loosen any tight

NLI December 10th Event Registration!

Registration for the next NLI event is on Wednesday, November 16th at 7pm!  The last event sold out within a half hour, so be ready!  The actual event will be

So let it be written

Thursday November 17, 2011 DROM and Shoulder Prep 3 Rounds of 10 Second Ring Support 7 Dumbbell Front Squats 7 Dumbbell Push Press 5 Ring Dips or 3 Muscle up


Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Warm-up: Burgener Warm-up with PVC 15 GHD Situps 15 Hip Extensions Burgener Warm-up with Bar (decide which wod you will perform and use that for the

A first time for everything

Tuesday, November 15, 2011 Warm-up: Skip rope 400 meters 3 Rounds: 10 Walking lunge 10 V-ups 10 Bar taps 10 second flexed arm hang Practice rope climbs, kipping toes to

Gymnastics Moves | V-Ups Technique

Description V-Ups is a gymnastic movement that works helps build a nice tight midline. Start in a lying position with your hands extended overhead then touch your hands to your

Classic Crossfit Moves | Overhead Walking Lunge Technique

Description This is a demonstration on the overhead walking lunge, a variation on the classic walking lunge. As with the classic lunge be sure to step about as wide as