Test it out
Friday, January 20, 2012 Sign up for the Tactical Weapons Training seminar in the office or the Upcoming events board for next Sunday! Mobility: Wrist and Ankle Mobility, 1 minute
The Greatest Barbell Movement of All Time
Thursday, January 19, 2012 Mobility: Keg Drill, 2 minutes Hip Prep Warm up: 10 Back Squats, empty bar 10 GHD Sit ups 10 GHD Hip extensions 10 Back Squats, light
Salty Special
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 Mobility: Foam Roll Calves, 2 minutes each leg Skill: Handstand Hold, practice for 5 minutes Warmup: At least 10 reps of each movement! Workout of the
Mind’s eye.
Tuesday, January, 17, 2012 Mobility: Shoulder prep (include plate walk) Warm-up: 20 Double unders 10 KB swings 10 Ghd sit-ups 10 Hip extensions 20 Double unders 10 Ring pull-ups 10
The Passion
Monday, January 16, 2012 Track Night tonight is at 7:30 pm instead of 6:30 pm, at the Santa Monica Track. Mobility:Keg Drill, 2 minutesAnkle Mobility, 1 minute each leg Warm
OC Throwdown
The 2012 OC Throwdown will be throwing down the LARGEST independent CrossFit competition in Southern California. Over 1,100 CROSSFITTERS FROM AROUND THE COUNTRY REGISTERED FOR THE QUALIFIER. From 1,100 we
Iron grips, skillets, and other things….
Sunday, January 15, 2012 Mobility:10 Wall extensions2 minute keg drill10 Wall extensions Warm-up:3 strict pull-ups4 strict handstand push-ups5 strict toes to bar15 GHD hip extensions6 kipping pull-ups8 kipping handstand push-ups10
I Workout. Yeah!
Saturday, January 14, 2011 Mobility:DROMBanded Hip Mobility, 1 minute per leg Classic Warm up x 2:Overhead Squat x 10GHD Sit ups x 10GHD Hip Extensions x 10Push ups x 10Pull
Olympic Lifting Mastery
Friday, January 13, 2012 Mobility: Hip Prep Warm up: 2 Rounds for Quality of: 40 meter Carioca (20 meters each side) 20 One footed hops over an Abmat (10 each
Transitions and other things.
Thursday, January 12, 2011 Mobility:DROMFront rack mobility, 1 minute per arm Warm up:3 Rounds with light, but progressively heavier, weight7 Deadlifts7 Power Cleans7 Front Squats Skill:Practice rope climb anchors and