100 Ups Drill – Beginner Explanation

This drill works the Pose and the Pull in Pose Running. Pull foot straight up directly under the hip using the hamstring while keeping the ankle and foot relaxed. Pull

100 Ups Drill – Advanced Explanation

This drill works on the Pose and the Pull of Pose Running. More specifically, it works on changing support from one pose to the next, in the case of running,

Is your jar full?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up: 2 minutes skipping ropeRun 200 metersSuper rackPosterior FlossingAnkle mobility w/ bandWith the bar only:5 High Bar Back squats, 2 second pause at bottom10 Good mornings5

Buckle Up!

Monday, November 26, 2012 Check out the weekly programming HERE, including the new Classic and Advanced Levels! Mobility: Ankle Mobility Keg Drill Internal Rotation Stretch on Bar Assisted Bottom of

Post Thanksgiving Saturday Morning Fun Run

3 Mile fun run along the bluffs overlooking the beach and Santa Monica Pier.  7:15am meeting at the Totem Pole on the corner of Ocean Avenue and Adelaide Drive, in Santa

Sunday Funday

Sunday, November 25, 2012 Mobility:Jog 400 metersAssisted bottom of squatShoulder distraction w/ bandSamson stretch Gymnastics warm-up:4 rounds or 15 minutes of:Handstand hold, 20 seconds10 False grip pull ups on rings

Black Friday

Friday, November 22, 2012 Regular classes resume today with limited hours in the morning.  Make sure to check the schedule! Warmup/Mobility: Row 500m The Classic CrossFit Warm up: -2-3 Rounds

Don’t Do Nothing!

Thursday, November 22, 2012 OPEN GYM TODAY FROM 7:30-11:30 am…GOBBLE, GOBBLE! Mobility/Warm up:Olympic Wall Squat, 2 minutesShoulder Prep Build up to a Heavy  Complex of:  1 Snatch + 1 Overhead

Weekend Update!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up:5 minutes of Double Under warm-up10 Wall squatsPosterior FlossingAssisted bottom of squat10 Good mornings w/ bar Strength:Back Squat (please read the directions carefully): Set 1: 1

Open all week!

Monday, November 19, 2012 We are open every day this week, but be sure to check the schedule for class time changes! Click HERE for the weekly programming! Mobility:Keg DrillAnkle