Primarily used as a substitution for Toes to Bar, this is a great midline strengthening exercise. Click HERE for a demo with explanation and scaling options.
Walking Lunge
Click HERE to watch a demo with explanation of our walking Lunge to learn the movement standards and setup. Mobility Suggestions: Hamstrings: Flossing, Smash with Lacrosse Ball Hip Work: Gristle, Groiners (Banded variation), Pigeon (Box variation), Hip
Wall Ball
A classic CrossFit movement! Click HERE for a demo with explanation. Scaling/Substitution Suggestions: Shoulder or wrist issues: perform Front Squats, Thrusters or 1-armed Dumbbell Thrusters Mobility Suggestions: Lots
Wall Extensions
One of our favorite warmup and cool down movements, this is one of our classic tests for how good your overhead position is and for working to keep the shoulders
Wall Squat
A great tool for developing that Olympic Style squat and teaching the athlete how to work hard for that better position. Typically performed in warmups, focus on quality movement rather
Lateral Box Jump
Safety Tip: Always be careful with box jumps. Choose a height that you are very comfortable with! Mobility: Foam Roll Calves Calf Flossing Ankle Mobility Foam Roll Legs
Burpee Box Jump
Click HERE for a demo with explanation. Mobility: Hamstrings: Flossing, Smash with Lacrosse Ball Hip Work: Gristle, Groiners (Banded variation), Pigeon (Box variation), Hip Extension with band,
MOVEMENT DEMOS | Burpee Box Jump Overs
Mobility: Hamstrings: Flossing, Smash with Lacrosse Ball Hip Work: Gristle, Groiners (Banded variation), Pigeon (Box variation), Hip Extension with band, Couch Stretch Foam Roll Legs Foam Roll
Bar Facing Burpee
Standards are for your body to be perpendicular to the bar, touch your chest and thighs to the floor and then jump over the bar with your feet together.