Pike Stretch

A Classic!  You can perform this standing or seated.  Click HERE for a similar demo with explanation of hip positioning.

Plow Stretch

A great stretch for the lumbar spine and hamstrings.  The Pike stretch is a good scale down for this movement.

PVC Dislocates

Click HERE for a demo with explanation.

Banded Deadlift

  This is an advanced version of the Deadlift, requiring more midline stability and speed through the pull.     Click HERE for a demo with explanation of the standard

Burpee Broad Jump

This can be performed for total distance or reps.  Typically you want to jump as far as possible with each jump.   Mobility: Hamstrings:  Flossing, Smash with Lacrosse Ball  

Kettlebell Snatch

Click HERE for a demo with explanation.   Safety Tip:  Be careful to not bruise your forearm when learning this or performing high reps.  Substitute Dumbbell Snatches or just perform the high

Keg Drill

An all important drill for the thoracic spine and helping with the problem overhead position!  Click HERE for a demo with explanation!