So much to say

 Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, Venice Barbell Club   Monday, April 22, 2013 Mobility/Prehab: Prone Dislocates, 15 reps, slow and controlledDownward Dog Calf Stretch, 2×10 reps each legMonster Walks, 20

The EIE Challenge Post Party!

This Saturday, April 20th at the Venice Gym location from 3-7pm! Feel free to invite your family and friends!  Check out what we have planned below: –Winners of the EIE

That time again!

EIE Challenge Post Party Today at the Venice location from 3-7pm! Attend the Base Camp class at 9am at Venice for something a little different! Sign up for the Lifting


Monday Base Camp: Warm up: 5 Rounds of: 10 push ups 10 sit ups 10 squats Skill: Broad jumps Conditioning: 10 minute amrap of: 6 burpees 6 lunges 6 side

Rhyme or Reason, Part 3

The data is being compiled and all forms should be turned in!  We will narrow down the field to the top 20 athletes for your vote this week and the

Base Camp begins!

Click HERE if you would like to see a breakdown of all the Base Camp classes and times. Remember, all Unlimited Memberships have access to these classes as well! Moving