May 6
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 FightFit on Thursday night at 7:30pm at MDR. Friends and family welcome to join for $15! Prehab Theraband Routine x 15 reps each Ankle and Wrist
May 5
Tuesday, May 5, 2015 FightFit on Thursday night at 7:30pm at MDR. Friends and family welcome to join for $15! Prehab Wrist mobility x 1 minute Side Plank Leg
May 4
Monday, May 4 Last week of our 8 week cycle! We will be testing our 1 rep max clean and jerk, snatch and back squat, along with a couple classic
April 29
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 7:30am Venice class cancelled to host a workout for Santa Monica Police! Tomorrow evening classes at MDR are FightFit! Friends and family can drop in for $15.
April 28
Tuesday, April 28 Prehab Wrist mobility x 1 minute Side Plank Leg Raises, 2×10 reps Bottom of the Squat and Ankle Mobility x 2 minutes Scapula Push ups, 2×15 reps
April 27
Monday, April 27, 2015 Rowing faceoff! Prehab Posterior chain flossing, 1 minute each Super rack stretch with Barbell, 1 minute each Groiners, 30 seconds each Fire Hydrants, 15 each direction,
April 22
Wednesday, April 22 Come out to support Jane this Saturday! Prehab/Warmup Jog 200 meters Monster Walks x 10 steps each direction Ankle mobility x 60 seconds Wide Grip Lat
April 21
Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Venice Barbell Club working hard;) Prehab Wrist and ankle mobility, 2-3 minutes Monster walks, 10 each direction 15 Banded squats 15 Scapula Push ups 20 Down
April 20
Monday, April 20, 2015 7:30pm MDR, Steve’s favorite class! Prehab Posterior chain flossing, 1 minute each Super rack stretch with Barbell, 1 minute each Groiners, 30 seconds each Fire
Rock Climbing Night at Rockreation
It’s time for another PCF Rock Climbing Gym Adventure! 🙂 Our friends at Rockreation set up an amazing treat for PCF members – 😆 FOR FREE 😆 ! AND we will