Gymnastics Warmup – Intermediate Minus Level
Choose 4-5 exercises from below and perform 3-5 rounds with the following rep scheme: gymnastic movements, 3-5 reps each; Hip/Back Extensions, 10 reps each; static hold positions, maintain each for 10-12 seconds. The warmup should last about 15 minutes and the focus should be on quality. Do not move up in difficulty until you can perform ALL rounds and reps with perfect form!
Handstand Pushups against wall
Frog stand
Pistols (each leg)
Hip extensions
Strict pull-ups (add weight if necessary)
Muscle-up Ring Rows
Butterfly kips
Tuck L-sit on the rings
Back extensions
-Handstand push-ups may be partial range of motion.
-Pistols may be partial range of motion, focus on balance and control.
-Strict Pullups should maintain hollow body position throughout the entire range of motion.
-Hip extensions and Back Extensions are done on a GHD machine and are not the same movement.
-For tuck L-sit on the rings, work on strict support (no bent elbows). After that, make sure to bring the knees level with the hips. Turn the rings out during support and use assistance bands as needed.