WEEK OF 9/20-9/27

CHIKARA COMPETITORS REST ON TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. MONDAY: Snatch 90% 3×1, Clean and Jerk 80% 2×1, Snatch Pull 80% 2×2, Back Squat: 80% 5×5

WEDNESDAY: Snatch 60% 2×2, Clean and Jerk 50% 2×2, Front Squat 50% 2×3, 

FRIDAY: Bar Stretching

Saturday: Compete! Do your best!


Monday –9/21

1) High Hang Snatch 60-70% 3×5

2) Back Squat with close stance 70% 3×10

3) Med Ball Toss 3×5 outside

4)Bench Press 3×8

Tuesday – 9/22

1) Power Clean and Jerk 80%3×3+2

2) Step ups with Dumbbell 3×10 each leg

3) Bounding 5×5

4) Barbell Tricep Extension 3×10

Thursday – 9/24

1)Snatch 3×3 75%

2) Front Squat into Press 3×5 light to medium

3)Box Jump 3×5 medium height

4) Pullup 3×5-10

Friday – 9/25

1) High Hang Clean 75% 3×3

2) Snatch Deadlift 3×5 85%

3) Sprints 5×50 yards

4) Push Press 3×5 80%


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