In it to win it.

Thruster 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

Rob Orlando 245lbs.  Post loads to comments.

Two weeks down in our IWC Challenge and what better way to test out how well you are performing than with heavy thrusters!  I’ve seen a lot of great things being posted on the nutrition blog and had some really spirited conversations with a lot of you regarding what, when and how much to eat. Remember that in the end, this is a “performance” challenge and not specifically a nutrition challenge. Nutrition IS the foundation for performance and like the saying goes, “you can’t make chicken salad out of chicken shit”.

 So with the foundation getting dialed in, what else are you doing to insure you come out on top with the best performance at the end of 8 weeks?  Practicing box jumps?  Hitting every wod with maximum intensity? How about getting quality sleep and recovery?  Supplemental met con training?

THIS JUST IN…..Big congrats to Kara and Bill who welcomed their baby girl, Alex Parker Roden this evening.  I don’t have all the details, but mom and baby are doing great!  And to all the ladies at PCF who tried to “beat the pregnant lady” all those months, look out…..she’ll be back kicking our ass in no time!  Can’t wait to meet you, Alex!!


I know which one I’d rather pick up.

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