Day 1

Behind the neck Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Russell Berger at a bodyweight of 150lbs: 265-275-285-295-300x-300x-300lbs wmv/mov

Watch and listen to Coach Burgener explain the split jerk positioning wmv/mov


The above video is from our One Year Anniversary party back in September…epic!

The next two week intensive starts today…running!!  Yeah!  We will be focusing on developing proper running mechanics and increasing confidence for all you non runners.  If you have the capabilities, look for and download a simple metronome app for your phone.

  I’ll be giving a detailed account of my marathon experience tomorrow as well!

The big news though…the IWC Challenge starts today!!  The workout we will use for the challenge is called “Christine”:

3 Rounds for time of:

Row 500 meters

12 Deadlifts at bodyweight

21 Box Jumps at 24″

Perform the wod anytime this week to establish your baseline time and then the fun begins!  I’m looking forward to a lively discussion and sharefest on the PCF Nutrition Blog over the next eight weeks.  We will also have a counter going on the main whiteboard to keep you motivated!  Good luck and remember to ask questions along the way!

Sidenote:  I know many people are unsure about entering the challenge, whether its because you aren’t sure you can last for 8 weeks or because you don’t think you will win or because you are already doing your own thing with nutrition.  I would like to ask you to reconsider.  We know this is not easy!  Committing to the challenge and having a gym full of people going through the same experience gives you strength and can change your perspectives on what is possible.  Everyone is a winner in this challenge:)

Sectionals 2010

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