The perfect starting point


Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:

2 Muscle-ups

4 Handstand Push-ups

8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings

Kristan Clever 18 rounds + 4 HSPU (2 pood KB), Austin Malleolo 18 rounds + 1 HSPU,


Should we?

Muscle up/false grip demo wmv 

Kettlebell swing wmv mov

Handstand push up variations wmv


This is the perfect workout for our upcoming skill sessions.  Starting in January we will dedicate several weeks at a time toward a certain skill, in this case the muscle up.  A plethora of different substitutions exist if you don’t have one yet, and we encourage you to experiment with and WOD with over time, all of them, until you get one!   

Teaching the muscle up to a large group, Part 1

Teaching the muscle up to a large group, Part 2

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