
Northeast Regional WOD 3

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

7 Deadlifts (275/185)

7 Handstand Push ups

14 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

Eric Magee 257 reps; Heather Bergeron 227 reps

Post reps to comments.


Remember in our Theoretical Heirarchy of Athletic Development, gymnastics is defined as body control and is ideally learned or at least understood relative to weightlifting, or what we consider external object control.  It is for this reason that we diagnose and teach the squat first, then deadlift; the first order movements for gymnastics and weightlifting respectively.

Because it can take 3 to 5 years to develop a full mature squat in an adult, and maybe the same amount of time to achieve full command of the posterior chain for the deadlift, and because we will not achieve competency in movement without constant practice and reinforcement of the basics, we will never stop teaching and nit-picking them.

Coach’s Prep Course: Coaching the Squat by Adrian Bozman


Eating Processed Meats, but Not Unprocessed Red Meats, May Raise Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes, Harvard School of Public Health


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