Stall Bars
For time:
Run 800 meters
15 left-legged pistols
15 right-legged pistols
25 sit-ups
12 left-legged pistols
12 right-legged pistols
25 sit-ups
9 right-legged pistols
9 left legged pistols
25 sit-ups
Run 800 meters
“Pistol” is one-legged squat with Kettlebell or dumbbell. Use 1½ pood Kettlebell or 55 pound dumbbell for pistols. If you have not developed a pistol, use a variation that will strengthen the movement.
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We have just installed a mini set of stall bars in the gym. They can also be called swedish bars or a wall mounted ladder. For more detailed information, read this free article from the CF journal. If you can’t tell from the video soundtrack, this is an old school strengthing, flexibility, and conditioning tool that is a staple in every real gymnasium. Take the time after your WOD to work on some lever progressions, stretches or holds.