Week of 2/23/2015
14 years old.
Week 8 (2 weeks out). We will begin the week with slight deloads on the lifts but max outs in the squats. This will turn to two max days on Thursday and Friday which should hopefully see some new bests established and get us ready for our prep week before the meet. On Friday, treat your heavy attempts with the same focus you would at the meet and limit multiple misses, especially in the clean & jerk. Generally for this week, make sure you are feeling good and if any additional deload is needed than take it.
Monday – Snatch/Squat
1) Front Squat: 1 x 3 @ 80 %, 1 x 2 @ 85%, 1×1@90%, 1×1@95, 1×1@100+%
2) Snatch: 1×2@70%, 1×2@80%, 1×1@85%, 3×1@90%,
3) Clean and Jerk: 1×2@70%, 1×2@80%, 1×1@85%, 3×1@90%
Tuesday – Clean and Jerk/Overhead/Front Squat
1) Snatch: 1×3@60%, 1×2@70%, 1×2@75%, 1×1@80%, 3×1@85%
2) Clean & Jerk: 1×3@60%, 1×2@70%, 1×2@75%, 1×1@80%, 3×1@85%
3) Back Squat: 1×5@ 70%, 1 x 3 @ 80 %, 1 x 2 @ 85%, 1×1@90%, 1×1@95, 1×1@100+% (use a walk-out if you like doing that).
Thursday – Power/Squat Variation
1) Snatch: 1×2@70%, 1×2@80%, 1×1@85%, 2×1@90%, 1×1@95%, 1×1@100+%
2) Clean & Jerk:1×2@70%, 1×2@80%, 1×1@85%, 2×1@90%, 1×1@95%, 1×1@100+%
3a) Jerk from behind the neck (use blocks as needed): build to a 1 Rep Max (safely)
3b) Clean Pulls: 5 x 2@ 110%
Friday – Heavy Singles/Overhead/Pulls
1) Snatch: following your exact warm up and attempt plan for the meet, build to a 1 Rep Max
2) Clean & Jerk : following your exact warm up and attempt plan for the meet, build a 1 Rep Max
3a) Back Squat: 5 x 3 @ 70% – not above
3b) Snatch Balance
Saturday (11:30-1:30pm at Venice)
Use the Saturday sessions to make up missed days from the week, receive additional coaching from the coach on staff, and target specific weaknesses and imbalances through targeted accessory work.