Week of 2/9/15
Week 6. We have just under four weeks until the Chikara meet. This week with be the final sessions of triples across all movements and in most cases you be establishing 3 Rep Maxes where possible Next week we will transition to doubles and some singles and we will stay in that range the following two weeks, working to maxes, until the meet.
Monday – Snatch/Squat
1) Front Squat: 3 x 3 @ 85%, 2 x 3 @ 90%.
2) Hang Snatch: 1×3@75%, 1×3@80%, 1×3@85%, 2 sets of 3 @ 90, 1×3@80%
3a) Snatch Pull with tempo decent: 5 x 3 @ start 80% and work to 100%. Perform a snatch pull and return the bar to the floor over 5 seconds. Tap the floor and perform the next rep.
3b) Jerk Drives: 5 x 3 @ 110%
Tuesday – Clean and Jerk/Overhead/Front Squat
1) Clean: 1×3@75%, 1×3@80% , 1×3@85%, 2 sets of 3 @ 90%, 1×3@80%
2a) Jerk: 1×3@75%, 1×3@80% , 1×3@85%, 2 sets of 3 @ 90%, 1×3@80%
2b) Clean First Pull (pause 3 seconds at the knee): 5 x 3 starting at 80% and working to 100%
3) Back Squat: 2×3@80@, 2×3@85%, 2×3@90% – rest exactly two minutes
Thursday – Power/Squat Variation
1) Snatch: 1×3@75%, 1×3@80% , 1×3@85%, 2 sets of 3@90%,1×3@80%
2) Hang Power Clean: 1×3@75%, 1×3@80%, 1×3@85%, 2×3@90%, 1×3@80% (of max power clean)
3a) Jerk from behind the neck (use blocks as needed):1×3@70%, 1×3@75%, 1×3@80%, 2×3@85%, 1×3@75%
3b) Bulgarian Split Squat: 4 sets of 8 reps on each leg. Heavier than last week.
Friday – Heavy Singles/Overhead/Pulls
1) Hang Power Snatch:1×3@70%, 1×3@80%, 1×3@85%, 2×3@90%, 1×3@80% (of max power snatch)
2) Clean & Jerk :1×3@75%, 1×3@80% , 1×3@85%, 2 sets of 3 @90%, 1×3@80%
3a) Back Squat: 5 x 2 @ 90%
3b) Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press: 5 x 3 – build to the heaviest possible triple
Saturday (11:30-1:30pm at Venice)
Use the Saturday sessions to make up missed days from the week, receive additional coaching from the coach on staff, and target specific weaknesses and imbalances through targeted accessory work.