Week of 1/12/15
Week 2. I tried to add more pulling and overhead volume where possible. Let’s monitor how this week goes in terms of fatigue and hitting individual weaknesses.
Monday – Snatch/Squat
1) 3 Position Snatch (x2): 1×50%, 1×60%, 1×65%, 1×70%, 2×75%. One set is two 3-Position Snatches (high hang, hang, floor) back to back. The bar may be reset quickly at any time.
2a) Snatch First Pull: 5 x 5 @ start 65% and work to 85%
2b) Jerk Balance: 5 x 5 @ start at 50% and do not work above 70% (of max jerk)
3) Front Squat: 5 x 5 @ 70%
Tuesday – Clean and Jerk/Overhead/Front Squat
1) Clean: 5 x 5 – start at 60% and work up to 2 sets at 75%%
2a) Jerk: 5 x 5 – start at 60% and work up to 2 sets at 75%
2b) Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift (hang pull): 5 x 5 – start 70% and work up to 90% (of max snatch_
3) Back Squat: 3 x 8 @ 75%
Thursday – Power/Squat Variation
1) Snatch: 5 x 5 – start at 60% and do not work above 75% (not touch and go)
2) Power Clean and Push Jerk: 5 x 5 – start at 60% and work to 2 sets @ 75%
3a) Snatch Balance: 5 x 5: start at 50% and do not work above 70% (of max snatch)
3b) 3-Stop Clean Pull: 5 x 5: start at 60% and do not work above 80%
Friday – Heavy Singles/Overhead/Pulls
1) Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch (3+2): 1×55%, 1×60%, 1×65%, 1×70%, 1×75%
2) 2 Clean Pull + Hang Clean + 2 Jerks: 1×65%, 1×70%, 3×75%
3a) Pause Front Squat : 5 x 5 – start at 50% and do not work above 70% (3 count pause in the bottom, no bounce)
3b) Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press: 5 x 5 – start at 60% and work to 75%
Saturday (11:30-1:30pm at Venice)
Use the Saturday sessions to make up missed days from the week, receive additional coaching from the coach on staff, and target specific weaknesses and imbalances through targeted accessory work.