Week of 6/29/2014
Monday – Snatch/Squat
1) Snatch: Work to a 2 Rep Max, then 2@95% and 2@90%
2a) 3 Stop Snatch Pull – 4 x 3 @ 105-110% of max snatch
2b) Snatch Balance – 4 x 1 @ as heavy as possible
3) Back Squat: 5 x 5 @ 75% (third week, add 10-20# from first week)
Tuesday – Clean and Jerk/Overhead/Midline
1) Clean: Work to a 2 Rep Max, then 2@95% and 2@90%
2) Jerk – 5 x 2 @ 100% of #1
3) Push Press – Work to a 1 Rep Max
4b) Behind the Neck Strict Press + Clean Grip OHS – 3 x 5 @ heavier than last week
4c) 3 x 20 Bulgarian Split Squats (light/moderate, 10 on each leg)
Thursday – Power/Front Squat/Pulls
1) 2 Snatch High Pull + Snatch – max for complex
2) Clean High Pull + Power Clean + Push Jerk– max for complex
3) Front Squats – 1×5@75%, 1×5@80%, 3×3@85%
4) 3 Stop Clean Pulls – 4 x 3 @ 105-110% of max clean
Friday – Heavy Singles/Overhead/Accessory
1) Snatch – work to a heavy PERFECT single for the day.
2) Clean & Jerk – work to heavy PERFECT single for the day.
3a) Ring Rows– 3 x 8 – (explosive pull, 2 count at top, 3 count decent)
3b) Glute Ham Raise – 3 x 8 – controlled decent, explode up