Week of 6/2/14

Monday – Snatch/Squat

1) Snatch High Pull + Low Hang Snatch (2″ from floor) –  work to a max for the complex

2a) Snatch First Pull + Hang Snatch Pull – 4 x 3 + 1 @ heaviest possible with perfect position. 3 count pause at knee. 
2b) Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Strict Press – 4 x 5 @ heaviest possible

3) Back Squat: 3 sets of 10 @ 10 pounds heavier than last week. (65% plus 20#)


Tuesday – Clean and Jerk/Overhead/Midline

1) Clean Pull + Low Hang Clean (2″ from floor) + Jerk – work to a max for complex

2a) Pendlay Row – 4 x 5 @ heaviest possible
2b) Push Press – 4 x 3 @ heaviest possible

3a) 3 x 1:00 ME Hollow Rock
3b) 3 x 10 Glute Ham Raises


Thursday – Power/Front Squat/Pulls

1)  Power Snatch + 2 Hang Snatch – max for complex

2) Power Clean + 2 Hang Clean + Jerk – max for complex

3a) Front Squats – 4 x 4 @ 70%
3b) Clean First Pulls + Hang Clean Pull – 4 x 3 + 1 @ heaviest possible with 3 count pause at knees


Friday – Heavy Singles/Overhead/Accessory

1) Snatch – work to a heavy PERFECT single for the day. No multiple maximal attempts.  

2)  Clean & Jerk – work to heavy PERFECT single for the day. No multiple maximal attempts. 

3a) Weighted Pull Ups – 3 x 5 – maintain a hollow position. Sub strict or banded pull ups as needed.
3b) Good Mornings – 3 x 10 – light/moderate weight, enough to stretch but not strain the posterior chain.


Saturday/Sunday – VBC sessions with Coach Derrick Johnson

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