Week of 5/26/14

Notes: The gym is closed for Memorial Day so the programming will reflect the missed training day. Derrick will be lifting at the Pan American Championships this week, representing the US National team as one of the best weightlifters in America! 

Monday – Memorial Day! 

Gym Closed 

Tuesday – Clean and Jerk/Overhead/Midline

1) 2 Position Snatch (Floor, Mid Hang) – work to a max for the complex

2) 3 Position Clean (Floor, Mid Hang, Hi Hang) + Jerk – work to a max for the complex

3a) Push Press – 3 x 5 @ heaviest possible
3b) Back Squat – 3 x 10 @ last weeks weight plus 10 additional pounds. 


Thursday – Power/Front Squat/Pulls

1) Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats – max for the complex

2) Power Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk – max for complex

3a) One Arm Overhead Walking Lunge – 3 x 20 (10 L/10 R) with 53/35# Kettlebell
3b) Strict Pull Ups – 3 x 10 – use bands, add weight as needed but maintain perfect vertical hollow


Friday – Heavy Singles/Overhead/Accessory

1) Snatch – work to a heavy PERFECT single for the day. No multiple maximal attempts.  

2)  Clean & Jerk – work to heavy PERFECT single for the day. No multiple maximal attempts. 

3a) Front Squat – 4 x 5 @ 70%
3b) Clean First Pulls – 4 x 3 – heavier than last week with 3 count pause


Saturday/Sunday – VBC sessions with Coach Derrick Johnson

Athletes should try to get in the missed work from Monday. Light snatch work, snatch pulls, jerk work, and midline should be prioritized. 

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