Week of 2/10/14

Monday – Snatch Day

1) Max for the complex: High Hang Snatch (at hips) + Hang Snatch (knees) + Low Hang (2″ from floor). Then 1 x 1 @95% and 1 x 1 @ 90% of 1RM.

2) Snatch Balance: 3 x 3 @ 100% of max from above.

3) Back Squat: Find 2 Rep Max: Then 1 x 2 @ 95% and 1 x 2 @ 90% of 2RM.


Tuesday – Clean and Jerk/Squats

1) Max for the complex: High Hang Clean (at hips) + Hang Clean (knees) + Low Hang (2″ from floor) + Jerk. Then 1 x 1 @ 95% and 1 x 1 @ 90%

2) Low Hang Clean Pulls: 3 x 3 @ 105% of max from above

3) Push Press from Behind the Neck: Find 3 Rep Max 


Thursday – Power Day

1) Power Snatch: Find 2 Rep Max. Then 1 x 2 @ 95% and 1 x 2 @ 90% of 1RM.

2) Snatch: 4 x 1 @ 85-90% of 1RM.

3) Back Squat: 5 x 2 @ 90% of Monday’s 2RM.


Friday – Blocks/Squats

1) Power Clean & Push Jerk: Find 2 Rep Max. Then 1 x 2 @ 95% and 2 x 2 @ 90% of 2RM. 

2) Single Leg Step Ups: 5 each side with the barbell on back. 4 sets, heavier than last week. 

3) Split Jerk: 4 x 3 @ 80-85% of 1RM Clean & Jerk. 


Saturday – Max out Day!

Technique work and make up missed days. Work with Coach Derrick whenever possible. 

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