Breakfast Sandwiches
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Today is “Bring a Friend Day!”
10 Prone Dislocates
30 second Samson stretch
10 Reverse Snow Angels
5 “Perfect” Inchworms (perform in place)
Classic Strength:
Deadlift- Spend 12 minutes working up to a heavy, but technically perfect set of 3 reps
Notes: For anyone that brings a friend, we will be covering the movement thoroughly and will be sure to keep the environment friendly for all experience levels!
Advanced Strength:
5×3 Deadlift @ 80%, rest 90 seconds between
Notes: These are not touch and go reps. Ideally we will see control and perfect positioning on the way down as well. If you need to drop the bar from the top, the weight is too heavy!
Partner WOD:
20 minute AMRAP of:
24 Burpees
100 foot Overhead Walking lunge (45/25)
500m Row
Notes: Partners will alternate every 2 reps for the burpee movement, partners will lay side by side to start and need to jump laterally over their partner for the burpee rep to be complete. Alternate every 50 feet for the OH walking lunges, and alternate every 250 meters for the row. Movements are fairly easy movements to perform so invite a friend that has wanted to try CrossFit, they will definitely get their butt kicked and have fun at the same time!
Cool down:
10 Wall extensions
Couch stretch, 30 seconds each
Seated straddle, 1 minute
For the buns:
1 large sweet potato
1 tsp coconut oil
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
Himalayan sea salt
Everything Else:
5 eggs
4 strips bacon
2 handfuls fresh organic spinach (sauté)
Preheat oven to 400
Line baking sheet with foil and spray it
Cut sweet potatoes into 1/2 inch thick rounds
Toss with oil, cinnamon, and sea salt
Lie flat on baking sheet
Bake for 25 minutes or until fully cooked, flipping over halfway through
Scramble Eggs and set aside
Saute spinach in 1 tsp oil and set aside
Cook bacon according to cooking instructions and set aside
Put together sandwiches and serve hot.