Old tricks for an old dog
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Due to the PCF Holiday Party, there will be no Evening Classes tonight, only open gym from 4:30-6pm!
10 Wall Squats (slow)
Shoulder Prep
10 Hip Extenstions
2 minute bottom of squat hold
30 second Samson stretch
Rest as needed
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
If you are performing this for the Newtrition Challenge, please grab yourself a partner to keep your reps to standard. I have always maintained that the hardest part about counting is being brave enough to call your friends out on bad reps.
And if you’re performing Cindy, I recommend not putting your friend in the position of ‘No Repping’ you. So for the counter, be brave. For the athlete, leave no doubt. Come in and good luck.
I did not officially take part in the Newtrition challenge, but I was cognizant of and participated in things that would earn me major points if I did do it. Here are some of the things that have become habit since 8 weeks ago, that weren’t necessarily habits before. Let’s see how these things jive with your own experiences, or even our own 100 words of fitness:
– I eat mostly meat and green veggies, nuts and seeds, not that much fruit, very little starch, and negligible amounts of sugar.
– I try to get grass fed meat as much as possible (USWellness, Whole Foods, Farmers Market), and I eat a lot of kale, broccoli, and cauliflower.
Bison, Lamb, Goat, and beef are my staples.
– When I do eat fruit, I stick with strawberries, apples, and oranges, cut and sliced on my mountain of kale.
– Under no circumstances will I miss a dose of Fish Oil.
– There is a one to one correspondence between sustained performance gains and accuracy and precision of your consumption. There is a difference between knowing this relationship and living it.
– The longer I go without ‘cheating’ the less I need or crave it.
– I love dairy, but my metcon plateaus whenever I indulge too much. Because of this, I’ve taken maybe 2 swigs of milk in the last 8 weeks.
I miss it terribly.
– If I want to operate at my leanest, fiercest state, I know exactly how to do it. To the ounce of meat, the tablespoon of fat, the cup fraction of fruit and veggies, I know what to do, and this awareness is priceless.
Post your thoughts and takeaways to comments.