
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Burgener Warm-up
with PVC
15 GHD Situps
15 Hip Extensions
Burgener Warm-up with Bar

(decide which wod you will perform and use that for the following)

15 Deadlift with bar, Clean or Snatch Grip
15 Hang Power Clean or Snatch with bar
15 Push Jerk or Snatch Balance with bar

Find appropriate weight, then perform one of the following:

For time:
135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps


For time:
Snatch 135 pounds, 30 reps

Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed.

Wod demo: Joe D  and Lara perform “Isabel”

Rest as needed, then perform

3 Rounds for Quality of:
Max L sit
3 Handstand Walking Attempts for Distance
Max Double Unders

The Newtrition Challenge is half over!  Big Congratulations to Caroline for taking this week’s top score!  Caroline has not only committed to the Newtrition Challenge, but has been following the CrossFit Endurance program to the letter since we first began a few months ago.  Check out her stats since starting the program:

-Ran a 10k for the first time in her life (twice)
-Ran a 10 mile for the first time in 2:23, the longest she has ever run
-Runs 2min intervals at 400m with 90sec rest
-Runs 55sec intervals at 200m with 60sec rest
-In the 10x 100m runs, she dropped her time almost 10 seconds per interval!

These numbers are not record breaking, but Caroline has taken the path less traveled and taken the time to learn the mechanics of running first.  By taking her time, staying injury free, focusing on her diet through the Newtrition Challenge, these numbers will only improve.  I look forward to reporting back in the future as she eventually runs her first marathon next year!



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