Love what you do

“The Title to Any George Thorogood Song”

For time:

200 double-unders

100 kb swings, 53/35

* For every missed double-under AND every break in kb swings, row 25 m after final kb swing. Your time stops when the row is finished. For example, if you miss 25 double unders and break 5 times in the kb swings, you need to row 750 m (30 x 25 m) before stopping your clock.


Mike opens his hips!

My final thoughts on the IWC challenge focus upon one very simple idea. Change is hard. I have seen and spoken with enough people to know that wanting change is not enough.  I noticed right away that the top performers in the challenge had someone else to hold them accountable; two were trained privately and two lived together.  My thoughts do not flow immediately to how we can build a better accountability system, but rather, how hard it is for most people to change.

  In the short term, having someone else hold you accountable can work wonders, but we are not in the business of short term!  The purpose of the challenge is much like the purpose of working out in a small group environment or racing against the clock. They are motivational tools.  Sure its nice to win the challenge or have the best time in class , but the real prize is your health.  You need to be able to eat well, work out on your own, with no clock and no coach because its good for you!  We will never stop providing you with information, challenges, and motivation because we know how hard it is to change.

  We will stick with you for as long as it takes to develop the ability to hold yourself accountable.  The process may take years and that is ok.  You are on the path and you will succeed!


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