IWC Results!!

Congratulations to all the participants of our Increased Work Capacity Challenge!  We have seen some amazing improvements and hope that you have learned something along the way.  This challenge was about making changes that would positively affect your fitness level.  For some of you that meant just trying to make it to the gym regularly and for others it was a complete change in lifestyle.  I look forward to finding out what some of the top performers have done to achieve such great results!  Congratulations again to everybody!

First Place
Maru  – 29.8% improvement
Jefferson Allen –  26.6%improvement
Second Place
Loni Weiner – 26.5% improvement
Kevin Lorell – 25.2% improvement
Third Place
Lara Erlank – 24.8% improvement
Jess Legge – 24.8% improvement
Dutch – 25.1% improvement


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