The Roar of the Crowd

400 meter Walking lunge

Post time and number of attempts to comments.

Reminder about Track night tonight (Thursday) at 6:30pm at Santa Monica College (not high school.)


Did they call each other first?

Congratulations to several members of our gym again for some heroic performances on WOD 11.4.  Feats of note are first time PR muscle ups for MT, Blaize, Kamran, Smidty (with wrist out full extension!), Jeremiah, and B. Young!  If I forgot anyone, I’m a jerk and please post your name to comments.

Also a special thank you to anyone and everyone who cheered on whoever was engaged in 11.

4.  This WOD has been marked, according to some peeps at Valley CrossFit, as the end of amateur hour of the CF Games Open, and just making it to and performing the muscle ups requires a considerable level of fitness.  I know for sure I wouldn’t have made it to my 3 muscle ups without the Roar of the Crowd.

  Thank you ladies and gentlemen of PCF for being such an awesome community.

Excellent lunge video wmv mov

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