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CrossFit Games Open 11.3

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:

165 pound Squat clean

165 pound Jerk

Martina (110lbs) 7 rounds, Tyler 23 rounds plus 1 Squat Clean

Post rounds and reps completed to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the CrossFit Games Open.

Check out the new Athlete Profile area on the left side of your screen! Feel free to send as much or as little info about yourself as you would like, including your favorite photo, to our email address at!  Participation in the profile area is, of course, completely optional, but highly recommended!


Tomorrow, Thursday at 6:30, we will be hosting a running skill session at Santa Monica College track along with interval training work.  If you want to get better at running, check it out!  Click here for the map to SMC and look for Frank when you get there!


Saturday, April 23rd at 1pm, we will have our second beach volleyball date!  Look for the EZ-up tent with the PCF banner about a half mile south of the venice pier.  Free street parking off of via Dolce by the Ballona Lagoon and walk across to the beach.  Last time we were near Mast st.


Sunday, May 1st at 10am, we will be hosting the Malibu Trail Race of Death!  Go for the glory on a crossfit laden trail run through the hills near Malibu Lake! The trail will end at Thomas’ house with a BBQ and drinks, if you can make it that far!


Saturday/Sunday, June 4th-5th, we have a campground rented at San Onofre State Beach for an overnight surfing camping trip!  We should be able to get together a bunch of decent longboards for the newbies, but the wetsuit will be up to you.  Don’t be intimidated, if you have always wanted to try surfing, come along!  There are only 20 spots available, so sign up in the office and pay $5 to reserve your spot.


L-sit face with Alex Chaice!


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