You’ll never stop

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

5 Chest to bar Pull-ups

10 Ring Dips

95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps

Kristan Clever 13 rounds + 5 Pull-up (65lbs), Karianne Dickson 9 rounds + 1 dip (65lbs)


What is your take on the aging process, and do you see yourself CrossFitting into old age?

“The Incredible Flying Nonagenarian” by Bruce Grierson, The New York Times.


G’s overhead squat: the bar is directly over her mid-foot, her hips are shoved back and down, midline is stable, shoulders and torso are engaged.

Overhead Squat basics wmv mov

Ring Dips wmv mov

Chest to Bar Pull ups wmv mov


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