Feels like the first time….

For time:

10 Thrusters (135/95)

50 Double unders

8 Thrusters

40 Double unders

6 Thrusters

30 Double unders

4 Thrusters

20 Double unders

2 Thrusters

10 Double unders

Post time to comments.

Watch Dutch and Speal go head to head in this WOD.


For many of us traveling over the next couple of weeks, this means time away from the box and our regular “routines”.  I have learned that when I’m on holiday, maintaining workouts doesn’t have to be all that bad.  I always travel with my jump rope and last summer spent two weeks working out in my parents garage every other day despite the fact there were several crossfits in the area I could go to.  It was just a matter of convenience and while we’re all going to be experiencing a break in the norm, you just gotta do what you can do, when you can do it.  So get creative and see what you can dream up.  1000 squats for time?  I did it hours before boarding a plane, won’t do it again, but go for it.  If you’re short on time and equipment, Eva T.

has a great list of bodyweight workouts that might come in handy.  Don’t forget there is a variety of mobility work that can be tackled in between eating and sipping holiday cheer.

Enjoy today’s rest day workout.  It was my very first workout and I haven’t done it since.  It’s been years and I remember fondly using “heavy” dumbbells and doing one double under and like, a million singles. Well, it doesn’t get easier, we just get better.


No problem!


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