In the Flesh
Three rounds of:
10 Weighted Pull-ups
30 Back Extensions
Kim Malz 3:28 with 20lb vest, Austin Malleolo 3:43 with 40lb vest
I remember the first time I went to Santa Cruz to spectate the 2008 CrossFit Games. I met Annie, OPT, AFT, the Glassmans, Rob Miller, Zach Pine, and every other CF celebrity there was, for 3 days straight.
I was awestruck and dumbfounded.
And they were, to the last man and woman, the nicest, warmest, and most down to earth people you could imagine.
And it was no different when Mikko Salo and Christy Phillips came in last night for a WOD. Talking to them, they showed me they were people just like us.
They started somewhere, put in the work, and are where they are because of it. Who’s your CF inspiration?
We will be implementing a 6 week long POSE running program starting mid-January. It will entail weekly meetings, ‘homework’ drills, lecture, and will take place out of the gym. Dates and costs will follow shortly.