Shaken not stirred.

“50 and Fabulous”

Perform 50 reps of the following, one time through:

Box jump overs – 20″ box

Row – calories

Push ups

Toes to bar

Broad jump – 6 feet

Jumping muscle-up

Parallelette shoot-throughs

1-arm DB snatch (40#/25#)

GHD sit ups

Sotts press (15#/PVC)

Post time to comments.



“BF” gettin’ his grip on during “Thompson”.

Today we are turning the classic “Filthy Fifty” on it’s head!

 If you would like to get in a little early, the gym will be open at 8:30.

 For those of you SWITCHers out there who have not completed “Grace Under Fire” and your Crossfit Total, please try and get it done during open gym tomorrow…….the winners need to be announced!


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