Party Time…Excellent…Deeddlideedlideedlee…Wahng!

The Grand Opening Slash One Year Anniversary Party is finally upon us!  Food and drink will be served promptly at 5pm, informal dress attire is recommended!

Don’t worry, there are still regular classes in the morning!

Four rounds for time of: – Results

Row 500 meters

Rest 3 minutes

Austin Malleolo 1:28.2, 1:27.0, 1:28.5, 1:29.1.

Post times to comments.



Angela Hart discusses the many aspects of rowing, pay attention to the different drills they are performing in these clips as well.

Excellence in Execution wmv/ mov

Common Flaws wmv/ mov

Rowing Basics wmv/ mov


The whiteboard photos have been lacking since we moved to the new gym, and I have renewed my commitment to post them!  Take a look back at the last couple workouts and I have added a “Results” link to the Flickr account!


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