Complete five rounds of: – Results
On the rings, lower from an inverted hang, slowly, with straight body and arms, 7 reps
15 Ring Push-ups
Move SLOWLY and methodically attempting perfect execution. Ideally this is done with two pairs of rings – one pair hung app. 8′ off the ground and the second 4″ off the ground.
Post impressions to comments.
Watch a demo of the workout, including variations wmv/ mov

I have finally begun editing the videos! They were shot at the old gym almost three months ago, and we are new at this, so please let me know what you think. I plan on releasing the shoulder/ hip prep series, as well as the classic and burgener warm-up series. My hope is to build a library of helpful videos and links much like crossfit.com, for help with how to warm up/ cool down properly and substitute for injuries. We will use videos from other gyms and websites, like Mobility WOD, and produce in house videos as well. If you have any friends that have music we can use for background music send it my way! Thanks and enjoy learning the infamous DROM again, for the first time…
The CrossFit 101 will be moved to this Sunday at 10am instead of Saturday, in preparation for the Grand Opening Party! Be there this Saturday at 5pm! Bring your friends, tell your neighbors, pets too, its gonna be better than the Phoenix concert!
You have to deal with a sliding surface/muscle & Tissue quality problem, a hip capsule mob, a pancaking of the hip flexor wod (sliding surface), and finally a good old fashioned muscle tissue bias hip extension mob. – If you want to understand what that means, watch the video.