Keep Moving

30-25-20-15 and 10 rep rounds of:


Box jumps, 24 inch box

Toes to bar

Kristan Clever 14:49 (24″ box), Graham Holmberg 15:20

Scaling Option A
25-20-15-10 rep rounds of:
Box jumps, 20 inch box
Toes to bar
Scaling Option B
20-15 and 10 rep rounds of:
Box jumps,12-15 inch box
Toes to bar
Post time to comments.

Burpee Demo and Variations wmv

Box Jump Variations wmv

Another change we are going to try, is posting scaling options from the CrossFit Brand X forum.  We hope this gives you more confidence in your ability to complete the workout and keep your intesity level up.

  The site is full of advice on the topic of scaling, with this word of advice on each day’s WOD, The point of CF is to get better at life. Being unable to workout tomorrow because you were pigheaded today is not in line with our goals.  Here is a breakdown of their Toes to bar progressions, I hope you enjoy their sense of humor:)

Toes to bar legs straight no kip
Toes to bar legs straight kipped
Toes to bar legs slightly bent no kip
Toes to bar legs slightly bent kipped
Toes to bar legs extremely bent kipped
Toes near bar
Toes nowhere near bar
Can’t even move toes in the direction of the bar
Knees above parallel
Knees below parallel
Knees barely move
I’m trying to move my knees up, REALLY, but it looks like I’m just hanging here
I can’t hang on the bar so I’m laying on the ground rolling my legs up towards my head


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