What Happened?

Clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

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The standard for today will be to rest no more than 10 seconds between repetitions.  Your hands can come off the bar, but get back on it quickly!  Check out Rob Orlando at the Northeast Regionals performing 3 reps of a 300lb Clean and Jerk.


The end of a long week…

The day is finally upon us!  In a few hours, the first official workout will occur within the walls of our new home.  I know Francis nabbed the first handstand pushup on premises and Zeb got the first 7ft flying bar grab tonight, but there will be so many more firsts to come!

  Thank you all for the support over the last week, but I still have one day left on my lease!

  For you sentimental types, I will be at the old gym tomorrow night for one last drink and farewell as I pour one out for the Queen of Mordor and all of the memories.


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