Holy Rowing and Balls!


1 minute max rep Muscle Ups


Then three rounds for time of:

185 lb Ground to Overhead Anyhow, 7 reps

50 Wall Ball shots, 20/14

750 meter row

The athlete may subtract 2 seconds for every muscle up performed.  Matty Aporta may subtract 5 seconds for every muscle up performed.

  Post calculated scores and times to comments.


Light weight! 


Matty is strength, friendship, relentlessness in pursuit and hustle, compassion bordering on misanthropy.  In earlier days, he was one of our steadfast trainers and brought much honor to Paradiso CrossFit.  Now, his impact on the fitness and health of our community is not only found in the gym, but also as a loyal and crusading brand agent for Maine Natural Health/ Stronger Faster Healthier, the company we stand behind for our EPA/DHA and post-WOD needs.  Though I’ve known him for years, it’s only recently and within these walls that I’ve felt his intention for people as a whole, and his fire for what CrossFit can do for everyone.

  Many happy returns, my friend.



Shake my hand!

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