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150 Wall Balls Shots (20/ 14)

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Watch Jason Khalipa, 2008 CF Games Champion, perform the WOD in 5:25.


Channel the Power of the K-Ron

Excerpts from “Functionality and Wallball,” by Greg Glassman:

Our wall ball exercise uses a 20-pound Dynamax Medicine Ball and a flat vertical target located about 8-10 feet above the ground. The movement begins as a front squat and follows through to a push press/shove that sends the ball up and forward to the target from which it rebounds back to the throwers outstretched arms where it is “absorbed” back into the squat.

When perfected, each shot looks identical to the one before, and the ball’s contact and departure are gentle and smooth.

If the athlete endeavors to quiet the drill, the benefit to mechanics and breathing technique are immense.

The wall ball drill comprises two highly functional classical weightlifting movements brought together at light loads and extended duration to create a super- potent metabolic conditioning tool with an enormous potential for increasing athletic performance.

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