Core Strength defined

“Ontario Sectional Day 1, Event 2”

As many round and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:

5 Deadlifts (235/150 lbs)

10 Pull ups

5 Ring dips

Post rounds and reps to comments.


Now imagine a line that starts from the top of your spine and runs straight down to the bottom of your pelvis, unifying and locking them into a single unit.  We call this the ‘midline’.  Understanding what functional movements are, and understanding what the midline is, your ability to stabilize the midline while performing functional movements is core strength.  That’s it.  Our defintion of core strength then, is: midline stability during functional movement. Pretty simple huh?

As simple as the definition is, take a look at our basic workhorse movements, the squat and deadlift.  Keeping midline stability during the regular, unladen air squat (we haven’t even touched the weighted versions yet) requires tremendous focus, and usually takes months to years to develop in an untrained adult.

  If you butt wink at the bottom of the squat, you have lost midline stability, and have wanting core strength.

  If your back rounds in the deadlift, you have lost midline stability, and have wanting core strength.

None of these are cause for despair though!  For example, if your back rounds at a 100 lbs deadlift, but in a few months your back rounds at 150 lbs, it is reasonable to conclude that your core strength has improved by 50 lbs.  This can be said for the overhead squat, clean, snatch, push jerk etc.

What movements most challenge your ability to stabilize midline?

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