Rest Day

matty b&w


Major Dan Blackman, several proposed CrossFit safety tenets:

  • You are responsible for your own safety, and you are responsible for how you train your body.

  • Do not misinterpret the goals and methods of the CrossFit program.

  • Go to a Level 1 Cert to learn from elite trainers.
  • Familiarize yourself with CrossFit movement standards. They exist for your safety and will also help you achieve the best results.

  • Do not attempt WODs you are unprepared for.

  • Ask your trainer about scaling for maximum results.

  • Educate yourself by visiting and reading the CrossFit Journal.

  • Share that knowledge with others.

  • Pursue virtuosity in every movement.

From the article ‘Warning Signs’, available in the CrossFit Journal.

Read, consider, and discuss in comments.



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