The Long Haul

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5-5-5

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The checklist for performing a proper squat or deadlift is extensive.

  For the new CrossFit athlete there is a lot to learn, digest and remember.  This program is about long term health and, for many, reversing years of bad habits.  In a journal article about muted hip function, or lack of control over the extension of the hip, they state that it will take an athlete 3 to 5 years to fully develop the hip’s explosive capacity without any signs of disfunction.  Don’t get frustrated when you can’t get something right, or cannot perform a workout as prescribed!

  Our best athletes have been doing this for years.  No one walks into this gym and performs well without an extensive athletic background.

  No one.  None of this is easy.  Keep working hard, focus on your foundational movements and keep learning.  Here are a few deadlift videos to remind you of how much you need to remember before picking up that bar:)

The Set up, parts 1, 2 and 3, Back Angle, Anatomy, etc.

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