
Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

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My father extends his best to everyone.  I asked him to write his impressions about the gym for me and this is what he sent back:

My first experience with Crossfit was visiting my son, David this past week. We’ve talked about the crossfit experience as he was developing his business and building his clientele. But after spending two days in the gym, I see how much more it is than just a “workout.” It is about life–improving on what was given to us all at birth; ensuring the opportunity to experience more of what life has to offer; building a community of mind, body and spirit. Your logo–I get it!

I applaud all of you who truly want to be more, do more and give more. I apprecitated how hard eveyone worked and the support given to each other. There were many expressions of strain and pain, especially from the English teachers–yelling out FUUUUdge! or something like that. But at the end of each WOD, there was clearly a sense that something was accomplised, that is was good to be there and a part of something more than themselves.

My WEODs (work out every other day) are certainly less strenuous.

 By the way David, thanks for the tip on that Squat walk, “feels good, doesn’t it,” I could hear you say!

 I was sore–still am.

Gene aka Dad

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