Getting Leveled
The wonderful people from Level 4 CrossFit in Seattle put together a list of athletic skill levels. They are ranked from Level 1 for a well rounded beginner to Level 4 for elite athletes (FAQs about the levels). Two things happen when I present this to people. First, they look at the elite athlete standards for what they can do and second, they look at how many things on the Level 1 list they can do. Then I inform them the rules of the Levels: you have to be able to complete every single thing on the list within 30 days to be considered at that level. This will give most of us a gut check for where our weaknesses are, which is a great thing to know! Try to set goals that will help strengthen these weaknesses. Read about “The Finisher” at CrosSFit San Francisco, part 1 and part 2.
On another note, we will finally be getting the On Ramp program up and running the first week of October! The program includes 3 classes per week for 4 weeks on a set schedule. We are not sure what times will fill up, but our proposed times are as follows: