Businass Plan

What a perfect rest day discussion posted on the main page today.  I say rather proudly that I am not a business man and have little to no financial planning or marketing skills.  My father is probably reading this, shaking his head, fearing the worst.  So I’ll say something like, “What could possibly go wrong?

Why Craigslist is such a mess” -Wired magazine

Reference Guide on our Freedom and Responsibility Culture” by Netflix

Classes for the next couple days are:

Wednesday 7/8/9am, 11/Noon, and 5/6/7pm
Thursday 6:30/7:30am only
Friday 7/8/9am, 11, Noon, and 5/6/7pm
Open gym times in between if you give me a heads up!
Why I train, Malibu Creek

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