
For the procrastinator, living in LA is a blessing, there is always a scapegoat for being late. This has been a personal battle for me for as long as I can remember…

sneaking into work 5 minutes late, hoping the boss doesn’t see me, the embarassment of coming into class when the teacher has started the lecture, or the worst is missing the previews at a movie! This may not apply to everyone, but you know who you are.

Being on time means being early. Each class is not just about the short workout duration, but a proper warm up and cool down, as well as time for skill work before your wod. I know none of this will motivate you, but maybe 5 burpees for every minute you’re late? Just a thought.

7 Rounds for time:

10 Sumo Deadlift High pull

10 Ring Dips

Men use 95lbs, women 65lbs, and as always, scale as needed. For the ring dips, be sure to watch the link for different variations, feel free to use regular dip bars if you don’t have rings available.

Ladies looove the pull ups

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