I’ll Be Back!

Let’s just say that I didn’t exactly stay on my regimen during my vacation. Like most of the people I know and train, we didn’t start building good healthy habits early in life, and when its vacation time that means VACATION!

Woo-hoo! A bit of excess here and there, not enough sleep maybe, add in some self indulgence and a shot of Jager and life is gooood. Some of us don’t even need to go to a tropical island to have one of these vacations, but no matter where or when it happens, we must have the courage to turn back and face reality!

Life is fun, remember to enjoy the ride responsibly 🙂

Come on wind!!!


4 rounds for time:

Run 400 meters

15 Overhead Squats

The prescribed weight for this is 95lbs for men and 65lb for women. This is a lot of weight if you haven’t practiced the OH squat, so take your time, this is a great exercise to work on your core control, balance and overall squat form. If you don’t have any weight, just you a pvc pipe or broomstick and perform 25 or 30 reps instead!

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