Day Zero

Getting back into shape sucks ass.  Its like cleaning the house, you just let it go…you’ll get to it someday.  Then your family calls to say they’re coming to visit and you are forced to face the reality.  How did it come to this?  Remember how good it felt when you had the place perfect?  Why didn’t you keep it that way?  It happens little by little.  We fail to maintain.  Its so much easier to just do a little work over a long period of time to just maintain what we have.

  Imagine making that commitment for life!  CrossFit has found a loophole in the time factor, but the hard work and dedication cannot be circumvented.

  We have all been able to commit to something!  For six months straight, I did not miss a single Wednesday night at Paradise Point Bar, and that was easy.  Maybe pick one day of the week, just one, and a time that you will always have available.  See how many weeks in a row you can perform a WOD.  Scour the mainpage archives for a workout you need minimal equipment to complete.  There are tons of workouts that can be performed with just your bodyweightand a small amount of time and space.  Little by little, how far can you go?

And the barbells wait patiently…


For Time:

Row 1000 meters

21 Deadlifts

50 Box Jumps

If you don’t have a rower and a bunch of weight to play with, use the following guidelines.  Run a half a mile for the rowing.  Perform 50 deadlifts with the heaviest object you can find, even if its a bag of clothes, the importance here is on going through the movements.   Its up to you to find something for your jump box 🙂

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