Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
CrossFit and Long Term Health
Sign up for the Everything is Everything Challenge HERE or email with your goal and action plan. Don’t forget we have our Potluck this Thursday at MDR! We will
Get up, it’s Sunday!
Sunday, September 21, 2014 Prehab: Calf and wrist mobility Pigeon stretch Samson stretch Lat Activations Warm-up: Row 300 meters Jog 200 meters 10 Inchworms 10 Broad jumps 3 Wall walks
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Beach WOD at 11:30 am at Venice! Prehab: Keg Drill 2-3 min Foam Roll Quads/ITB x 1-2 min Fire Hydrants 2×15 Wall extensions 2×10 Warm up: TABATA Row for cal
Healthy Food that tastes GOOD
Sign up for the Everything is Everything Challenge HERE and start planning how you will accomplish your goals now! Today’s video topic is about our “Everything is Everything” Facebook group and
Log your Food to Improve
Sign up for the Everything is Everything Challenge HERE and start planning how you will accomplish your goals now! Everything is Everything discussion on planning and accomplishing your Health and Fitness
Estimate your caloric needs to achieve your goals
Sign up for the Everything is Everything Challenge HERE and start planning how you will accomplish your goals now! Today’s video topic is about how to estimate your daily caloric
Golden Rules for accomplishing your goals
Sign up for the Everything is Everything Challenge HERE and start planning how you will accomplish your goals! Today’s video topic is about the “Golden Rules” to consider when making
Commit to accomplish your goals starting Now!
Sign up for the Everything is Everything Challenge HERE and start planning how you will accomplish your goals! Below is the first in our series of videos this week that
Ready for his close up.
Sunday, September 14, 2014 Prehab: Calf/ankle mobility 10-15 Light Good mornings Pigeon stretch 10-15 Scapula Push ups Warm-up: Row 400 meters 2x: 10 Squat jumps 10 T-push ups 10 Pike