Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Why Our Marina Del Rey CrossFit Gym Is So Popular

Have you heard people talking about Paradiso CrossFit? We’re proud to say we have a long list of highly satisfied customers. Our Marina Del Rey CrossFit gym is always filled

How Our Venice Fitness Club Can Boost Your Self-Confidence

Having healthy levels of self-confidence is important for everyone. If being a few pounds overweight—or underweight—is causing you to feel self-conscious, depressed, or just less than your best, it’s time

How a Venice Group Exercise Class Can Boost Your Results

Do you always exercise solo? If so, consider giving a Venice group exercise class a try. While stepping out of your comfort zone may cause you to feel a bit

Venice Best Gyms | What to Look for in a Gym

Not all gyms are created equal. It’s important to choose wisely, because the fitness center you select can greatly impact your lifestyle. Venice Best Gyms—5 Things to Look for in

5 Reasons to Try CrossFit at Our Venice Health Club

If you’ve become bored with your standard workouts, it may be time to check out an entirely different form of fitness. At Paradiso CrossFit, we take exercise to a whole

Choosing a Venice Exercise Center

There are a lot of great gyms in Venice Beach. The area is filled with health-conscious people who take great care of their bodies. Other fitness centers don’t offer the

Lose Weight and Tone Muscle at Our Venice Fitness Center

Tired of spending hours on the treadmill? At Paradiso CrossFit, we take fitness to a whole new level. Our Venice fitness center doesn’t have treadmills, ellipticals, or weight machines. Instead,

Why Hire a Venice Personal Trainer at Paradiso?

Everyone has different fitness goals. Some people are able to achieve their fitness milestones by attending group CrossFit classes from the start while others need a little more individual time

Week of 9/29/14

Monday – Snatch/Squat 1) Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes (10 sets): Pause Snatch + Hang Snatch + Snatch – work up over 10 sets 2) Back Squat: 70% x 5,

Train with a Purpose

This week marks the beginning of a 5 week training cycle focused on accomplishing your EIE goals and gearing up for the PCF World Championships.  Be sure to check the blog