Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
15.2 (14.2)!
March 6, 2015 Friday Night Lights starts tonight at 4:30pm in MDR! All evening classes are cancelled. Prehab: Keg drill, 2 minutes Monster walks, 10 each direction 10 Banded squats
March 5
Thursday, March 5, 2015 Prehab: Wrist mobility, 1-2 minutes 10 Planche Push ups Super rack stretch, 1 minute each Gristle/Groiners, 2 minutes Downdog calf stretch, 20x Warm-up: Jog or Row
March 4
Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Outrigger Canoe race coming up on March 14th from 11am-2pm – 25 person max, $25 for members. Click HERE for details. Prehab: Fire Hydrants, 10 each
March 3
Tuesday, March 3, 2015 FastFit classes start this week! 30 minute conditioning only classes: Noon at MDR and 1pm at Venice… tell your friends and co-workers! First class is free!
RPM Speed Ropes Demo in Venice
RPM will be visiting PCF! We will have a demo station set up on Monday, 3/2 at 5pm at Venice throughout our night classes. You can get advice from RPM pro
March 2
Monday, March 2, 2015 Be sure to get your CrossFit Games Open scores input by 5pm Today! Prehab: 10-15 Scapula Push ups :30 second Plank hold Wrist and ankle mobility,
Acro Yoga!
Our first Acro Yoga class was so much fun, we are adding this class to our Sunday schedule, starting March 1st at noon! *FREE* to PCF members and you can
March 1
Sunday, March 1, 2015 Be sure to check out our first “official” Acroyoga class today at Venice from Noon-1:30. Free for members and $15 for non-members. Prehab: Theraband routine Cat/cow,
February 28
Saturday, February 28, 2015 Todays programming may be altered depending on what the CrossFit Games Open workout was yesterday! Prehab: Banded Hip Extension, 30 seconds each Monster walks, 10 each