Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog


Friday, March 13, 2015 Friday Night Lights starts at 4:30 pm in MDR.  All evening classes will be cancelled. Prehab: Ankle mobility, 2-3 minutes Monster walks, 10 each direction 10-15

March 12

Thursday, March 12, 2015 Food tasting with our new food delivery service “Power Supply” hosted at Friday Night Lights at MDR this Friday! Prehab: Wrist mobility, 2 minutes 15-20 Scapula

March 11

Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Food tasting with our new food delivery service “Power Supply” hosted at Friday Night Lights at MDR this Friday. Prehab: Monster walks, 10 each direction 10

March 10

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 Outrigger Canoe race coming up this Saturday, March 14th from 11am-2pm – $25 for members. Only a few spots left, click HERE for details. Prehab: Overhead

Week of 3/9/2015 – Deload Week

Those of you who just competed should definitely take it easy this week. If you come in to train, follow the programming. If something does not feel good, than rest

March 9

Monday, March 9, 2015 This is a transition week leading into the next 8 week cycle!  Be sure to get your CrossFit Games Open scores input by 5pm Monday! Prehab:

March 8

Sunday, March 8, 2015 Don’t forget, we “spring ahead” 1 hour! Prehab: Gristle/Groiners, 2 minutes Samson stretch, 1 minute Leg swings, 10 each direction Foam roll IT band Warm-up: Jog

VBC at the 6th Annual ChikaraSport St. Patty’s Day Open

On March 7th Venice Barbell Club will have its biggest showing ever at the the 6th annual ChikaraSport St. Patty’s Day weightlifting meet in Whittier. This a great venue and

March 7

Saturday, March 7, 2015 Today’s programming may be altered depending on what the CrossFit Games Open workout was yesterday! Prehab: Monster walks, 10 each direction 10-15 Banded Squats 10-20 PVC

15.2 (14.2)!

March 6, 2015 Friday Night Lights starts tonight at 4:30pm in MDR!  All evening classes are cancelled. Prehab: Keg drill, 2 minutes Monster walks, 10 each direction 10 Banded squats